urban thoughts


Juxtaposition of small and large in central Tokyo

Thursday, 19 July 2012


Two recent conversations - about what is that so appeals about Japanese houses to Western Eyes - and that real homes in Japan are full of clutter and junk. 

Konishi Gaffney architects in Edinburgh found that the press and visitors loved their home in Portobello for being 'Japanese'.  http://www.konishigaffney.com/portobello.html

Inge Daniels, anthropologist, has explored the reality of Japanese homes and exhibited her findings at the Geffrye Museum.  In Japan, small homes are crammed with unwanted gifts, superceeded domestic appliances and clutter. http://www.ingedaniels.com/exhibitions.html

It recalled previous discussions at the 'Hafu' exhibition in London's Brick Lane looking at Natalie Mayer Willer's photos of half Japanese people.  http://www.hafujapanese.org/

I ask myself what is it that defines 'japaneseness', what fascinates me about Japan and how will being half Japanese affect my children's lives.